r20 tattoo removal: Is it for you?
What is the r20 tattoo removal method? The r20 tattoo removal method is simply a quicker method of removing tattoos using a q switched laser. The same process of using a q switched laser applies, with a single difference. That difference is quick repetition. Typically what happened in the past when you went to a tattoo removal clinic to have your tattoo removed by laser treatment the process was quite long and tedious. Your tattoo got “zapped” by the laser and you were then told to go home and come back after 6-8 weeks to let it heal and let your natural defences dispose of some of the broken down ink particles. This meant that the removal of a stubborn tattoo can take as long as 1 year + How does it work? There have been studies and experiments in laser tattoo removal since it first came to being focusing on shortening the treatment time and getting a quicker result. There is a medical paper published that outlines the r20 process that was conducted in Athens Greece. The basics of this new type of treatment is that it involves repetition on a much shorter time scale. In essence the patient will have their first treatment with the q switched laser but then instead of going away and returning for the next treatment in 6-8 weeks, the next treatment is given just after 20 minutes. This process is repeated a total of 4 times. The results of this study can be found by visiting this website: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22036610 Is this for you? After reading on many forums about the r20 tattoo removal method, there have both the good and the bad. The good: Time taken to remove the unwanted tattoo is drastically shortened. Results are visible in a much quicker time period, which means you get encouraged. The bad: The experiment was only tested on a few people and thus cannot be conclusive to a mass population. Pain is augmented as the repetitions increase. The conclusion is that more research and test subjects are needed to gain the experience needed for the procedure to become more mainstream as it is still in its infancy stages and is not very well known. Just like when laser eye surgery came out and there were a lot of stories in the news about procedures going wrong and people were left with little to no eye sight, or others had to go back regularly to get the procedure done again as their eyes deteriorated to the same state as previously. I would only use the r20 tattoo removal method if you are on a time sensitive basis to remove your tattoo like if you want to join the police force and have to submit an application by a certain deadline and are not allowed to have tattoos in specific places. I would always opt for the traditional method (just like the famous saying “good things come to those who wait”).